Made for You

At Vard Dental, we make dental sports guards by taking an impression of your mouth that extends beyond the teeth, under the lips and around the gums. It will be tightly fitting thus supporting the surrounding tissues of the mouth and teeth.  As the guard fits tightly it won’t mov around in your mouth, or become unseated, and it also means it is easier to communicate, be it talking or shouting!



Stay Protected

We all know that engaging in sport is usually a very healthy activity.  However, it is best to protect your teeth during physical activities as accidents can happen which damage your teeth.

Sports mouth guards will help you to avoid the costs associated with repairing the damage which can happen.   Damage from accidents are a fractured tooth or teeth, knocked out tooth or teeth which are costly to repair.   Of course, this damage can be repaired but perhaps, a better strategy is to avoid the damage.

Team Offers

Wouldn’t it be great if your team kit included your sports mouth guard in your team colours.  We offer discounts to clubs who want to kit out thie team with same colour protective gear.