Our Patients' Questions Answered

Question Answer
When should my child start to develop good oral health care habits?

As soon as they start to comprehend the world because, when your child develops good oral health care habits, they are avoiding problems, such as tooth decay and gum disease.

“Kids’ Dentist visit is fun” says Mum Emma.

And You are also helping them to enjoy their teeth for life.  While, You may not realise it, educating your child about their oral health is a very special gift which will help them keep their teeth for life.  Here are a few tips;

  • Start a brushing routine as soon as your Childs first milk tooth breaks through.
  • Change your Childs toothbrush every three months.

For children, we recommend a toothbrush with a small head and ultra-soft bristles.

  • Why not consider Eco Friendly toothbrushes?
  • Visit Vard Dental so that your child becomes familiar with our environment and gets to know us.
  • And, our treat bags always make your little ones visit to the dentist a pleasant experience.

From around the age of 7, try to encourage your child to brush their own teeth.

  • Keep an eye on their brushing to ensure they are bushing properly.
  • Your example of brushing and flossing your own teeth is a powerful message to your child.
  • Consider Fissure Sealants for your Childs teeth as they give teeth an extra layer of defense.
  • Sport enthusiasts should consider using a sports mouth guard.

Call us on (01) 2855 841 or click here to book an appointment.


Why are my gums sore and bleed?

More often than not, bleeding and sore gums are a sign that you are at risk of, or already have, gum disease.

Moreover if left untreated, you could end up with more serious problems like wobbly teeth.

When you floss your gums might bleed but don’t stop!

But don’t stop, as bleeding and inflamed gums are symptoms of gum disease.  The first stage of gum disease is  gingivitis.  And the most effective way to reduce and get rid of gingivitis is by flossing and brushing your teeth and gums.

Most commonly, gingivitis is the result of plaque building up on the teeth around the gum line.  If you don’t remove plaque, it will harden to become tartar and develop into gingivitis.  If you leave gingivitis untreated, it  can lead to receding gums, and damage to the bones of the jaws.  There are a few stages to gum disease and it really is best if you get it at the gingivitis stage for both your mouth function and pocket!

The first stage of gum disease is called gingivitis.

Make an appointment for a check-up with Vard Dental so that we can examine your teeth and gums and provide you with an oral health care plan.  The aim of the plan will be to relieve the symptoms of gingivitis and get you onto a normal oral maintenance plan.  Oral health care plans usually includes hygiene visits, an at home daily care routine and regular reviews with Dr. David.  By following your oral health care plan, you will get back to healthy gums and teeth.

Regular professional cleaning will reverse the damage caused by gingivitis.  If you leave gingivitis untreated, it can lead to periodontal and tooth loss problems.  Bottom line is, come into us for a check-up and start a treatment plan as soon as possible.

Call us on (01) 2855 841 or click here to book an appointment to discuss dental solutions.

I’m not happy with my teeth. What can I do to improve my teeth?

Start by coming in and talking to us.  Let us know what you would like to change.  We can help you to identify solutions which improve the look of your teeth and/or improve the functionality of your teeth that are within your budget.

Let us support you to Use, Keep, Restore and Love Your Teeth.

Read here about some of the treatments which have helped others with their teeth.

  • “Bridge the gap” .  There are a number of different dental solutions available to “bridge the gap”.  They include, to name but a few;
    • restoring a tooth.
    • using a denture.
    • building up your teeth.
    • providing you with an implant.
  • Whiten your teeth.  We can provide you with a home whitening kit.  A home whitening kit consists of a custom-made tray, which is unique to you, together with whitening gel. Dentists (along with anyone registered with the Dental council) are approved providers of whitening kits.  We will provide you with a whitening kit, information and advice.  In other words, we will provide you with the tools to whiten your teeth from the comfort of your own home.
  • Straighten the look.  Yes, it is possible to straighten the look of your front teeth with composite bonding.  Another method that we recommend is veneers.

Stop and Repair

  • You can Stop the wear and tear of grinding.  We can provide you with a night splint (sometimes called a mouth guard) which will reduce the problems caused by grinding.
  • And whats more, you can Repair the wear and tear of grinding.  Again, there are several different restorative treatments which you can choose from e.g. cosmetic bonding.

We love unique teeth.

You get the thumbs up from us if  your oral health is good and your teeth function well for you.  But we know, that sometimes, you might want to make a few changes so lets get together to discuss dental solutions that are in line with your budget.

Brighten & Whiten

Composite Bonding

How often should I change my toothbrush?

We recommend you change your toothbrush every 3 to 4 months. And, consider getting a new toothbrush sooner if you have been sick.  Also, try not to store your toothbrush close to other toothbrushes.  If you are in any doubt about whether or not it’s time to change your toothbrush, look at the bristles.  If the bristles are frayed, they won’t clean your  teeth thoroughly.

Soft Sensitive Bristles are best.

We also recommend that you use a soft bristled toothbrush as it helps you to manage the potential of causing gum recession with a hard bristled toothbrush.

Call us on (01) 2855 841 or click here to book an appointment for a checkup.

What sort of toothbrush should I use?

The most popular style of toothbrush is a manual one which can have either a plastic handle or an eco-friendly handle.  Needless to say, we recommend that you use a toothbrush with an eco friendly handle.  The other main style is an electric toothbrush.

Manual or Electric Toothbrush?


A manual toothbrush is portable and ready to use every time you need it.  It makes no noise, and you will have complete control over the pressure it puts on your teeth and gums.  Consider being eco aware with your manual toothbrush by using a toothbrush with an eco-friendly handle rather than a plastic handle.  But, watch how much pressure you use as sometimes too much pressure will contribute to gum recession.


On the other hand, you will have to charge your Electric Toothbrushes and some people regard them as being cumbersome to take along when travelling.   However, the rotating movement of the bristles makes it easier to clean between your teeth and the gum line. Many electric toothbrushes have built-in sensors to make sure you don’t brush too hard and that you brush for the required length of time as recommended by dentists.

Irrespective of which type of brush you use….. you should floss everyday.


Why does my breath smell?

Smelly breath, medically known as halitosis, is a common problem and is usually preventable.  Firstly, we will identify what issue is causing your halitosis.  Then we will work out a dental solution with you.

Bad breath can be caused by poor oral hygiene, gum disease, tooth decay and/or mouth infections.  It can also be caused by something that you are eating.

There are solutions – don’t worry and let us support you.

There are a number of dental solutions available to you.  More than likely, your treatment plan will start with a dental check-up and hygiene clean.  Your dental check-up, with Dr. David, will more than likely reveal the cause of your bad breath and be confirmed during your hygiene clean.

If the solution to your bad breadth is to improve your oral hygiene, then you are with the right people.  It might take a few deep cleaning sessions to clear up your condition fully but it will clear up.  We will guide you on the best oral care routine for you to follow every day.

Call us on (01) 2855 841 or click here to book an appointment.

Is now the right time to restore my broken tooth?

Yes, the right time is now! And it’s never too late. Or at least, come in to Vard Dental for an oral check-up.  An oral check-up which, might include an xRay, will help us to identify the best way to restore your tooth or teeth.

Tooth restoration solutions include but are not limited to;

Other potential solutions are implants or dental bridges.  As these solutions have different costs, we will figure out with you, the solution which best matches your requirements and budget.  Then, we will schedule your treatments at times that best suit your schedule.

Solution, Cost, Budget and Your Time – we will work with you to agree the right answer for you.

Why not call us on (01) 2855 841 or click here to book an appointment and discuss the right dental solution for you.

Do my children need sports guards?

It’s always a good idea to protect your teeth during sport.

Encouraging your children to use a sports guard while participating in sports is certainly a good idea.

Another good idea might be to make your Childs sports guard even more interesting and fun by getting it made in your Childs team colours.

Call us on (01) 2855 841 or click here to book an appointment.

Should I use a night splint? Are night splints and night guards the same?

Yes, night splints and night guards are the same thing.  Night guards are a great idea if you are grinding your teeth as they will prevent wear and tear of your teeth.

And the good news is that you can repair damage caused by night grinding.

Several restorative solutions are available to you e.g. composite bonding.  We are experienced and qualified to identify the right dental solution for you.  Also remember that, using a night splint will also protect your restored teeth.

There are different types of nightguards.  We provide custom fit nightguards which are the best type to use to stop the damage caused by night grinding.

Don’t forget to clean your nightguard.  Here are a few tips…

  • Rinse before and after every use.
  • Clean with cool, soapy water then rinse thoroughly.
  • Don’t leave it in direct sunlight or hot water.
  • Hand wash only.
  • Store in ventilated case (most will come with a proper case).

Call us on (01) 2855 841 or click here to book an appointment.


Do you cater for all the family?

Yes, we welcome family visits here at Vard Dental.   More importantly, we encourage parents to bring their children into us for a visit from around the age of three.  Don’t hesitate to visit us if you have any concerns.  Call us on (01) 2855 841 or click here to book an appointment.

We cater for all generations.  If you have a life event coming up let us know! For example, we will provide you with a letter of dental fitness if you have upcoming surgery.  Or, we will provide you with reusable, tailor made, teeth whitening kits for special events.

Whatever your requirement, we will support you to use, keep, restore and love your teeth.

Talk to us, phone or online or socials

Watch out for our regular promotions which aim to reduce the overall costs of a family’s oral health care.

❤ Youths are entered into a quarterly draw for a One for All voucher.

❤ We give all new patients an eco friendly toothbrush.

❤ We regularly run a Teeth Whitening giveaway on our social media platforms.

❤And, Little Ones get treat bags that have the wow factor!  They include a kids, soft bristled, eco friendly toothbrush ;


What do you mean by Eco Aware Your Dental Care?

We have built up our own awareness of how to be more eco-friendly  in our daily lives.  While we have made several changes already, we will continue to make our practice as eco-friendly as possible.

We have also identified eco-friendly ways, which our patients can use in their own daily oral health care routines.  Our suggested changes are aimed at improving our ways of

  • recycling
  • reusing
  • reducing
  • composting materials that we use as part of our oral health care routines.

The scale of the problem is so massive that it can feel difficult to know what to do about it or where to start.  But one of the simplest ways to contribute to a fix is to switch out something that you use every single day: your toothbrush.

Over 99% of the toothbrushes the world uses are plastic. You can help change this….

The kind of plastic that’s not recycled, and which ends up in either landfills or the ocean and never breaks down.  It’s a big contributor to plastic pollution.

To make it easier, to change your dental routines, we give all our new patients an eco toothbrush with soft bristles. Every small change counts.  We publish eco aware your dental care suggestions regularly on our social media platforms.


Why should I be interested in your social media platforms?

Our social media platforms are for our patients and potential patients to connect and engage with us.

We aim to ensure our social media platforms represent our values and our patient centric approach to oral health care.   Our local communities connect and engage with us through these platforms which we try to make interesting, informative, educational and fun.

Follow us on social media to have access to;

❤ Oral hygiene tips.

❤ Keep up to date on our Community Fund.  To date, our Community fund have gone to SVP, Pieta House, Lakers Bray, Local Football Club and more recently Suicide or Survive.

❤ Suggestions on How to Eco Aware Your Dental Care.

❤ Information on all our Services (general and cosmetic).

❤ Team & Practice Updates.

❤ Promotions, Raffles & Competitions.  Prizes have included teeth Whitening Services, Electric Toothbrushes, Vouchers, Cinema Tickets.

❤ Industry Trends, Statistics and Information e.g. dental treatment benefits.

Follow us on Facebook at Vard Dental – Love Your Teeth

Engage with us on Instagram at  Vard_Dental


How often should I visit my dentist?

We believe that Twice a Year is the best policy for routine maintenance.

Perhaps, you’ve lapsed a bit with your oral hygiene routine.  No problem, we will help you get back on track.  Our aim will be to restore any damage that has occurred and get you back into a 6 monthly maintenance routine.

The time between check-ups can vary from three months to 12 months depending on how healthy your teeth and gums are and your risk of future problems.

Do you worry before you come to the dentist?

Don’t worry.  Breathe deeply. Have a look at our Meta instagram Reel – Breathe, think of lovely flowers and colours.  We will help you to keep, use, restore and love your teeth.  If you have a fear of your dentist, we will help you to overcome it.

Firstly we will schedule a check-up for you with Dr. David.  After your check-up, we will recommend a date for your next visit. Generally, the lower your risk of dental problems, the longer you can wait before your check-ups and hygiene cleans.  So, people with good oral health will probably need to attend only once every 6 to 12 months, but those with more problems will need check-ups more often.

Don’t worry.  We are friendly and caring professionals who aim to make dental visits easy and affordable.

A lot of our patients choose to have their check-ups on a scheduled, regular basis.  We will set up the appointment for you, send it to you by text and follow up with reminders either by text or phone.

What treatments are available to me under the PRSI Dental Benefits Scheme?

Under the PRSI Dental Benefits Scheme, You are entitled to;

  • a free dental check-up each calendar year,
  • and a hygiene clean for €15 each calendar year.

Perhaps you are unsure how the scheme works, if so, call us on (01) 2855 841 as we can go through it with you.

Also, we can check if you are eligible for dental benefits under this scheme or click here to book an appointment.


How will I know if I qualify for dental treatment benefits under the PRSI scheme?

We will check online with the Department of Social Protection for you.  All we will need is your PRSI number and your Date of Birth.  After we key in those details into the Departments online system, we get back a result of either;

  • Qualified
  • Pending or
  • Not Qualified

Qualified means you are entitled to immediately avail of your benefits.

Pending usually means that there is some information which the Department of Social Protection need from you so that they can confirm your eligibility for benefits.  Alternatively, getting a result of pending could mean that you don’t qualify as you don’t have enough PRSI “weeks”.  Either way, the Department of Social Protection will write out to you requesting information or explain to you why you don’t qualify this year.

And finally, Not Qualified means that you are not eligible this year as you don’t meet the criteria or you have used your benefits already in this calendar year.

What treatment is available under the Medical Card Scheme?

Under the Medical card scheme, patients are entitled to a dental check-up, a clean, 2 fillings and any number of extractions per calendar year.  The HSE administer the Medical Card Scheme.  There are other treatment available which we can apply to the HSE for approval, on your behalf e.g. to provide you with dentures.  Youths, 16 and over are entitled to the same benefits as adults with valid medical cards.

Vard Dental accept and welcome patients who have a medical card.

Your medical card must be in date.

Additional dental care is considered for exceptional/high risk cases such as: Special Needs Patients; Hepatitis C Patients (with a R Card); Haemophiliacs; Oral Cancer Patients; Patients with Complex Cardiac Conditions; Cancer Patients under active treatment; Patients with some neurological Disorders; Patients with Type 1 & 11 Diabetes; Some dental or socially vulnerable Patients.

Call us on (01) 2855 841 or click here to book an appointment.

Could I qualify for both PRSI benefits and use the benefits of the Medical Card Scheme

Yes, absolutely you can. You must have a medical card that is in date.  To note though, that you will only be entitled to one check-up per year alongside the rest of the benefits available under the medical card scheme, and your clean under the PRSI Dental Treatment Benefits scheme for 15€.

Call us on (01) 2855 841 or click here to book an appointment.

What dental treatment are children entitled to?

The HSE operates the Schools Screening Services which aims to screen children in second,  fourth and sixth class. Unfortunately, these target classes are not always reached.

Call us on (01) 2855 841 or click here to book an appointment.

What are the different parts of a tooth?

There are six main parts to a tooth.  Our dental glossary of terms gives you loads more information.  In summary, they are:

  • The Crown is the top part of the tooth and the only part you can normally see. The shape of the crown determines the tooth’s function.
  • Your Gum line is where the crown and the gums meet. Plaque and Tartar can build up in the gum line without proper brushing and flossing.
  • Your tooth’s Enamel is the outermost layer of the tooth. Enamel is the hardest tissue in the body, yet it can be damaged by decay.
  • Dentine is the layer of the tooth under the enamel.
  • Finally, Pulp is the soft tissue found in the centre of all teeth, where the nerve tissue and blood vessels are. Pain usually occurs if tooth decay reaches the pulp (gone through dentine).

Below the gumline

  • A tooth’s Root is the part of the tooth that is embedded in bone. The root usually makes up two-thirds of the tooth and holds the tooth in place.


What are the different types of teeth?

There are four main types of teeth.  Each tooth has a specific job or function.

  • Incisors are sharp, chisel-shaped front teeth used for cutting food (four upper and four lower).
  • Canines, also called cuspids, are teeth shaped like points and are used for tearing food.
  • Premolars, also called bicuspids, have two pointed cusps on their biting surface and are used for crushing and tearing food.
  • While Molars are used for grinding and have several cusps on the biting surface.

Consider reviewing our glossary of terms for more information.


Why do I need a dental check-up?

A Vard Dental check-up aims to help you keep all parts of your mouth healthy.  It will allow us to see if you have any dental problems.  More importantly to note is that leaving problems untreated could make them more difficult and costly to treat in the future.  It’s best to deal with problems early, or, if possible, prevent them altogether.  More information about what checks happen during your dental check-up is here .

Call us on (01) 2855 841 or click here to book an appointment.

What happens during a dental check-up?

At each check-up, Vard Dental will:

  • Examine your teeth, gums and mouth which may include x-rays.
  • Conduct an oral cancer check.
  • Ask about your general health and any problems you’ve had with your teeth, mouth or gums since your last visit.
  • Ask about, and where appropriate provide advice on healthy habits or identify habits which may be causing oral health problems e.g. smoking.
  • Identify any potential problems which may be starting and suggest appropriate treatments e.g. tooth decay.
  • Identify the root cause of any pain or problem which you may be experiencing and suggest appropriate treatments e.g. an untreated cavity.

Tell us what you think of your teeth.  We will….

  • Listen to your concerns about your teeth e.g. you might want to restore a chipped tooth.
  • Provide you with an overall treatment plan which will address both the immediate issues, treat potential problems and outline dental treatments and solutions which can help to restore your teeth.
  • Provide advice on your teeth-cleaning habits.
  • Discuss with you a date for your next visit.

Call us on (01) 2855 841 or click here to book an appointment.

Why do dentists need to know about my general health?

It is generally accepted that there is a link between general health and oral health and hence Dr. Vards interest in your overall health.  Oral health and general health have a close two-way relationship.  The mouth is the mirror to the body and offers clues about the status of overall health.  Many general health conditions increase the risk of oral diseases and problems in the mouth can also negatively impact the rest of the body.

Problems in the mouth can reveal general health problems which you already know about.

We can monitor that the actions you are taking have a positive impact on your oral health also.  Many general health conditions increase the risk of oral diseases, such as an increased risk of periodontal (gum) disease in patients with diabetes; and vice versa, poor oral health can have a negative impact on general health conditions.

We are also interested in hearing about any medication you are taking and will ask about allergies. We want to ensure that any treatments we suggest will work with your medication.  Call us on (01) 2855 841 or click here to book an appointment.

Should I tell my dentist if I’m pregnant?

Yes, it is preferable for us to know if you are pregnant.  Being pregnant will not prevent you from having dental treatment carried out, but at Vard Dental we prefer to know so that you can choose to have or defer any procedures that are not necessary, until post pregnancy. While experts agree that x-rays may be taken, where necessary e.g. in the case of an emergency, the taking of dental xRays is also best avoided.

Don’t let pregnancy gingivitis impact you….

Another reason to tell us if you are pregnant has to do with changes which may occur in the mouth due to your pregnancy.  Pregnancy gingivitis is caused by the hormonal changes that increase the blood flow to the gum tissue and cause your gums to be more sensitive, irritable, and swollen.  So, don’t hesitate to come on into us and share with us.

You can always call us on (01) 2855 841 or click here to book an appointment.

What is plaque?

Plaque is a soft sticky, bacteria-laden substance which is normally white and hence is difficult to see. During your Vard Dental check-up, Dr. David will advise you if you have a plaque build-up and give you information about how to floss and brush to avoid plaque building up again.

Plaque is a bacteria-laden substance that you need to have removed from your teeth.

If plaque is not removed, it will harden into tartar which is also known as calculus.  While plague and tartar are removed during your check-up it is best to visit us twice a year for thorough removal of plaque and tartar.

Call us on (01) 2855 841 or click here to book an appointment online.

Why is plaque / tartar harmful?

If plaque is not removed it can lead to gum disease, a cavity or cavities.  Plaque bacteria left clinging onto the tooth surface continually attracts more bacteria and it will gradually create an unhealthy environment of bacteria and their by-products.

Plaque bacteria reacts with sugars and starches to create an acid which attacks the tooth enamel.  Over a short space of time, these attacks will weaken the tooth enamel and tooth decay will start. In turn, tooth decay will create cavities.

Call us on (01) 2855 841 or click here to book an appointment online.

Why should teeth whitening be carried out only by a dentist?

Only dentists can offer teeth whitening which uses hydrogen peroxide.  Teeth whitening is perfectly safe when carried out by a dentist.  Based on a thorough examination of your mouth, and knowledge of your oral health, Vard Dental will discuss your whitening options and the results that you can expect to achieve.

Hydrogen Peroxide is a safe way to whiten teeth.  But it can cause problems if used on teeth with dental decay and cavities.  It can also cause gum irritation if there is gingivitis or gum disease present.  This is why your dentist needs to do a dental check before you start whitening.

Teeth whitening gels should only be administered by your dentist in a safe environment.

It is generally accepted, within the dental industry, that the most effective and predictable teeth whitening results are achieved by using the tray system. The tray system is very effective on surface stains caused by tea or coffee.  However, stains that are more internal to the tooth are more likely to be difficult to treat.  We will suggest other whitening solutions if you have stains which are more internal to the tooth.

We provide teeth whitening trays that are tailor made for you, and reusable at home with a teeth whitening gel which we can provide you with.

Call us on (01) 2855 841 or click here to book an appointment.

Why should I floss?

Flossing and brushing go hand in hand and both are important oral hygiene habits.  When you floss, you are cleaning and dislodging food stuck between your teeth, which reduces the amount of bacteria and plaque in your mouth.

Normal brushing doesn’t clean in between the teeth completely. S0 it’s important to floss at least once a day.  You may need to floss more than once a day, especially after meals, to clean out food or debris that’s stuck between your teeth.

It doesn’t matter if you brush or floss first, as long as you do a thorough job cleaning all of your teeth and practice good oral hygiene habits every day.

And You can’t floss too much unless you’re flossing incorrectly.

If you apply too much pressure when you floss, or if you floss too vigorously, you may damage your teeth and gums.

Dr. David or our Hygienist will demonstrate flossing to you.  As there are are different types of floss and there are interdental brush sizes, we will advise you on the one that suits you best.

❤ a red heart indicating Vard Dental alignment with being Eco Aware Eco Aware: Small interdental brushes are available with bamboo handles. Bamboo handles are biodegradable, sustainable and reusable. You can also get biodegradable floss which will be clearly marked on the packaging.

What is the correct way to brush my teeth?

At Vard Dental, we recommend that you brush for 2 minutes, twice a day, with toothpaste.  Follow these tips;

  • Use a soft or medium bristled toothbrush with a small head.  Using a small head will help you to reach into all areas of the mouth.
  • Hold the brush at a 45-degree angle along the gum line.
  • Use gentle circular movements observing where the bristles are brushing.  Aim to get the bristles of the toothbrush in between your teeth.

Ideally, You should floss as part of your oral care routine.

  • Clean all teeth surfaces – outside, inside, top of teeth and along the gum line.
  • Vard Dental also encourages you to brush the top of your tongue and inside your cheeks gently.
  • If your gums bleed, don’t stop brushing.  Bleeding gums may be the first sign of gum disease and thorough brushing can help reverse this.  If bleeding persists, you should get in touch with us so that we can diagnose and treat the root cause of the problem.

Because the handle is biodegradable, consider using a bamboo handled toothbrush.

What is a cavity or cavities?

A cavity or cavities is another name for tooth decay.   Tooth decay is caused by sugars, which generate acids that attach to the dental enamel.  In turn, these acids cause damage and erode the enamel which causes cavities and eventually destroys the tooth.

A cavity or cavities can be shades of yellow, brown or black. Symptoms may include pain and eating difficulties with other complications of inflammation of the tissue around the tooth, tooth loss, and infection or abscess formation.

There are three main types of cavities:

  • Coronal cavities are usually found on chewing surfaces or between the teeth.
  • Root cavities occur on the exposed part of tooth roots.
  • Recurrent cavities are decay which can form around existing fillings and crowns.

Cavities should not be left untreated.

They destroy your tooth which in turn can kill the nerves at the center of the tooth.  This will lead to further problems which can only be treated by extracting the tooth or having a root canal treatment.  Call us on (01) 2855 841 or click here to book an appointment.  There are a number of dental solutions to address the problem of tooth cavities which we can discuss with you.

How will I know if I have a cavity or tooth decay? Does a cavity hurt or cause pain?

A cavity can hurt and cause pain.  Also, known as tooth decay, and is very difficult to see because it occurs below the surface of the tooth.  Sometimes, you only realise you have a problem when you feel pain in your tooth.

If your tooth hurts or you feel pain in your mouth, please don’t hesitate to call us.  In some instances, pain indicates that an infection has set in and you might need anti biotics to treat the infection.  Dr. David can prescribe the right antibiotics to deal with dental infections.

The best way to diagnose tooth decay or cavities is by having an oral check-up.

As part of our routine check-up, we will examine your teeth for tooth decay and cavities.  Dr. Vard will propose different treatments depending on the severity of the decay.  Dental treatments could be fillings, implants, extraction with tooth replacement solution plus numerous others which we can discuss in detail with you at your appointment.

If you leave cavities untreated they will cause you further problems.

Call us on (01) 2855 841 or click here to book an appointment.

What will I do, I’ve lost or broken a filling in my tooth?

Call us on (01) 2855 841 or click here to book an appointment.

There are many reasons why teeth or fillings chip or break.  Included in the long list of reasons are biting down suddenly on something hard such as a hard boiled sweet, tooth decay and night grinding.  You might experience various symptoms such as sensitivity to hot and cold or tenderness when chewing.

Here’s some self help advice before you come into us:

  • If you are having sensitivity, or pain, try to avoid eating or drinking in that area.  This is only a temporary solution.
  • Another temporary solution is to rub a toothpaste designed for sensitivity on the impacted area to help reduce the sensitivity.
  • And, rinse out with lukewarm salted water to help keep the area clean.

However, visit us as that is the only way to achieve a more permanent solution.

My child has knocked out a front tooth. What should I do?

Try to pick the tooth up by the crown which is the top part of the tooth and usually visible in the mouth.   Try not to touch the root.  Next, rinse the tooth briefly under cold water to dislodge any dirt.  Do not scrub the tooth!

Then, holding the crown, try to place the tooth gently back into the socket.  Make sure it is the right way around.  A tip is to look at the same tooth on the other side, it might help you to position back the tooth into its socket.

Milk is an ideal substance to store a tooth in, if it’s knocked out of it’s socket.

If the tooth can’t be put back in the socket, the most important thing is for it to be stored properly until you get into us.  Milk is ideal.  It simulates conditions in the body quite well.  If milk isn’t available, water is better than nothing, but don’t let the tooth dry out.

Immediately, phone us on (01) 2855 841 for an emergency appointment.

As with all dental injuries, time is of critical importance, and will make the difference between possibly keeping the tooth, or losing it.  Call us on (01) 2855 841 or click here to book an appointment.

My crown has fallen out – what should I do?

Firstly, try to pick it up and then call us to make an appointment. We will examine the damage and discuss your restoration options.

Crowns are normally placed on teeth that have broken down or had decayed and/or may already have had a root canal treatment.

There are many reasons why a crown comes loose or falls off.  It can happen if there is a problem underneath the crown such as decay or, if the tooth has been traumatised.

If a crown falls out try to hold onto it and bring it into us.

If you are having sensitivity, try to avoid eating or drinking in that area.  However, this is only a temporary solution.  Another temporary solution is to rub a toothpaste designed for sensitivity on the impacted area to help reduce the sensitivity.  However, the only way to achieve a more permanent solution is to visit us.

So, try to hold onto your crown.  We will sort out the issue when you come into us.

Call us on (01) 2855 841 or click here to book an appointment.

What causes sore jaw joints?

Excessive grinding will make your jaw joints sore.  While excessive grinding usually occurs when you are asleep, you might also be doing it during the day.  It is a common problem, but there are solutions available to cope with it.

Firstly, try applying a hot and cold press to the area and do simple jaw exercises to ease the muscles around your jaw joints.

Secondly, contact us as we can examine you to confirm the problem and recommend potential dental solutions.  Usually, a standard dental solution would be a night guard for use during sleeping.  A nightguard will prevent your teeth from contacting during grinding and hence reduces the wear and tear on your tooth.   Also, we will  advice you on pain management to help relieve your pain.

The remedy for sore jaw joints might be a dental nightguard.

You can Call us on (01) 2855 841 or click here to book an appointment to discuss.

I’m constantly getting mouth ulcers. What should I do?

There are many reasons why mouth ulcers occur, for example, poor diet, stress, chipped filling rubbing against the gum or tongue, or even weather changes..  Most people will experience mouth ulcers at some stage in their life so it’s not uncommon.

You can expect simple, small ulcers to heal within 7 days.  But, if your mouth ulcer lasts any longer, the chances are, that you have a more invasive problem.  Hence, we recommend you visit us.  Vard Dental will examine your mouth to determine the best course of treatment.  If necessary, we will provide you with an appropriate medical prescription.

Before you visit us:

  • Use warm salty water or a mouth rinse to help with the discomfort.G
  • Try to avoid spicy or acidic foods.
  • Apply an appropriate gel to the impacted area.

Call us on (01) 2855 841 or click here to book an appointment.